Customized Development Services
SERVICESconsulting,organizational development,leadership,employee development,business development,video production
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Leadership Development
We develop and support leaders to excel in their area of commitment. Excellence is experienced through rich professional relationships, masterful conflict resolution, transforming the internal critic into a powerful ally and becoming the model for innovative change. Our services include long and short-term coaching, assessments and custom designed training.

Organizational Effectiveness
Creating and supporting a compelling Vision sets the foundation for our work in organizational development. Propelling the Vision with excellent processes and procedures that engage all levels of the workforce create outstanding results.

Strategic Planning
Effective and relevant strategic plans are the roadmap for success in implementing your Vision. Careful selection of participants and inclusive processes create a strategic plan that is a key element of your growth and success.

Executive Coaching
To make a change we must raise our standards. We offer support, knowledge and tools necessary to step into that greater yet to be. Integration of the key aspects of individual expression allow for remarkable outcomes. See Elite Services for more information.

Customized Workshops
Sacred Cow, Inc. provides a host of workshops and training programs for every size organization.  Highly experienced facilitators and trainers provide an experiential environment for maximum value and retention. Workshop list.

Board Development
Knowledgeable and cohesive boards are a powerful foundation for not-for-profit and religious-based organizations.  Sacred Cow facilitators are particularly adept at aligning the focus of the board and clearing obstacles in both relationships and implementation of the Vision. 

Sacred Cow, Inc. (303) 683-9760


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