KEY PEOPLEconsulting,organizational development,leadership,employee development,business development,video production
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Profile – Eileen Flanigan, MBA


The Founder and President of Sacred Cow, Inc., Eileen Flanigan is a management and organizational development consultant specializing in leadership development, coaching, process improvement, strategic planning and video production.  She brings experience and expertise from over 20 years in business as an in-house change agent in such diverse arenas as food distribution, medical manufacturing, compliance auditing, and software development. In addition, Eileen has produced several video training tools and message delivery programs. 

Eileen’s broad range of skills and abilities are reflected in her work in both the corporate and non-profit sectors.  Through her two books, Process Improvement: Enhancing Your Organization’s Effectiveness and Achieving Consensus, Eileen shares her expertise with a worldwide audience.  In February 2000, PBS - The Business Channel aired Collaboration: Learning to Share the Wealth of Knowledge.  This hour long program was written and presented by Eileen as part of the series Successful Formulas For Managing Knowledge in the 21st Century. 

Eileen is the recipient of the Star of Excellence Award from Medtronic.  She received a commendation from the United States Air Force for her work in the implementation of a new system in Air Bases throughout the country.  Hughes Aircraft Company also acknowledged Eileen for her work with the Hughes Colorado Leadership Club. 

 Due to the nature of her commitment, Eileen has formed deep and lasting relationships with clients that stretch over many years.  With humor and insight, Eileen recognizes that leadership is not only about what we achieve, but more importantly, about how we achieve it. 

Sacred Cow, Inc. (303) 683-9760


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