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What it is: Spectrum Coaching™ is an individualized coaching process designed to help professionals understand the:

·       impetus behind their behaviors;

·       results of conscious and unconscious choices relative to their ability to achieve key objectives;

·       impact of how they engage in leadership, team, client and other interpersonal interactions;

·       dynamics operating beneath the surface in all situations. 


Spectrum Coaching™ creates sustainable change whether used one-on-one or with small teams. Clients gain an increased ability to make choices that are both better aligned with a high level of professional excellence and congruent with individual and/or team values, integrity, and intentions.

What it’s based on: Designed specifically for application to professional life, this process was developed by Eileen Flanigan in conjunction with and based on the extensive transformational Voice Dialogue work of Dr.’s Hal and Sidra Stone.

What it does: This highly effective transformational process allows clients to quickly shift from reactive to proactive behavioral responses. Spectrum Coaching™ is ideal for helping professionals recognize options and make productive choices when engaged in potentially challenging interactions that may have previously triggered less than desirable responses in a variety of situations, including:

·         Leadership scenarios

·         Team and client meetings

·         Times of change or upheaval

·         Personal/professional stretch points

Tangible performance results include significantly and sustainably improved:

ü       Leadership

ü       Team participation

ü       Cross-functional/cultural interactions

ü       Productivity & efficacy

ü       Decision-making

ü        Communication


I had the most amazing experience in my first Spectrum Coaching™ session! Not only was the session insightful and profound, it was easy. I immediately turned around and successfully led a corporate meeting the next day using the skills I’d just learned

N. Bouchard 


Learn more about the Spectrum Coaching™ Certification Program



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