ELITE SERVICESconsulting,organizational development,leadership,employee development,business development,video production
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Leadership Development
We develop and support leaders to excel in their area of commitment. Excellence is experienced through rich professional relationships, masterful conflict resolution, transforming the internal critic into a powerful ally and becoming the model for innovative change. Our services include long and short-term coaching, assessments and custom designed training.  Programs include the highly effective Leadership Intensive which provides year-long specialized support for individuals seeking dynamic growth in their leadership expression.  

Customized Workshops
Sacred Cow, Inc. provides a host of workshops and training programs for every size organization.  Highly experienced facilitators and trainers provide an experiential environment for maximum value and retention. Workshop list.

Voice Dialogue Facilitation
Using this highly effective transformational tool, clients quickly shift from reactive to proactive behavioral responses.  This process is ideal for becoming at choice in challenging situations that may have elicited less than desirable responses in the past.  Included in this process are tools for understanding and shifting relationship patterns as well as overcoming blocks that may have limited reaching desired goals or accomplishments.


Sacred Cow, Inc. (303) 683-9760

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